05 May 2012

Finished! -Pretty Primrose Shawlette

I have long been admiring those colorful silk scarves and lacy shawlettes that're going around right now. Gorgeous stuff, but EXPENSIVE! I mean, if I'm going to spend that much, I might as well make it myself and learn lace while I'm at it : D So here it is!

I used Julia Carlis' pattern on Ravelry and LOVED it : D It was a great introductory lace pattern for me, and I'm still squeeing about the yarn I picked. It was Rowan Purelife Revive in the colorway 'Grit'--odd name for such a blueish green if you ask me. The stuff's made from recycled cotton, silk, and viscose, but that's not why I picked it. It was the colors! Not only is the the fiber a nice seafoam color, but there are specks of deep magenta and lime. It's not as common or noticeable as tweed, but pretty nonetheless : )

"Sister Snowdrop died Before we were born."

"She came like a bride In a snowy morn."

"What's a bride?"
             "What is snow?"
"Never tried."
             "Do not know."
"Who told you about her?"
"Little Primrose there Cannot do without her."
"Oh, so sweetly fair!"
"Never fear, She will come, Primrose dear."
"Is she dumb?"
-from Phantastes by George MacDonald

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